Dogma is the story of two angels, Bartleby and Loki, who plan to exploit an apparent loophole in Catholic Dogma. Banished from heaven by God, the two believe they can restore their souls by passing through the gates of a church in New Jersey. By restoring their souls, they will be allowed to re-enter heaven, thereby defying God’s word and proving Him fallible. However, by proving God fallible, all of humanity will be negated and will vanish. Rufus, the forgotten 13th apostle, has assembled a group of characters to stop the angels from passing through the gates. Rufus, along with two profits (Jay and Silent Bob), Bethany Sloane (the last of kin of Christ who was a Catholic who had lost her faith), and Serendipity (a muse) gang up to defeat Loki and Bartleby. The story is filled with references to Christianity, Catholicism, and other religions and the implications each has for its followers.
Essay Contest Rules
You may view the film on your own schedule.
Your essay must…
- be 300-1,000 words and typed.
- include your name and phone number.
- relate to the Honors Study Topic.*
- be turned into the Phi Theta Kappa office in the College Center or e-mailed to by Friday, December 21
Anyone may enter this contest. Winners will be announced by Friday, January 18, 2002. Winning essay may be printed in the Phi Theta Kappa newsletter and in the Lions’ Roar Newspaper. A three-person panel, including a Normandale Phi Theta Kappa advisor, the regional Honors Study Topic Chair, and the Alpha Kappa Alpha chapter Vice President of Scholarship, will evaluate your essay. Essays will be evaluated on strength of arguments and relevance to the movie Dogma and the Honors Study Topic. Winner will receive a $50.00 cash prize.
What is Phi Theta Kappa?
Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for community colleges, is based on four hallmarks: Scholarship, Leadership, Fellowship and Service. Each chapter of Phi Theta Kappa works to promote the hallmarks in the community in which it is based.
Why are we sponsoring a Diversity Movie Series?
Alpha Kappa Alpha is co-sponsoring the Diversity Movie Series because we feel it is a good way to promote Scholarship and Fellowship among students at Normandale Community College. The series promotes Fellowship because it is fun to watch a movie and hang out with friends. It promotes Scholarship by encouraging discussions that relate to the Honors Study Topic.
What is the Honors Study Topic?
The Honors Study Topic is a yearlong project designed to be a vehicle for interdisciplinary study among students, faculty, and the local community. This year’s Honors Study Topic is Customs, Traditions & Celebrations: The Human Drive for Community.
Should I enter?
YES! This is a chance to contribute to our yearlong discussion and to have your work published. We are more interested in sharing ideas than scrutinizing grammar and punctuation, so just write what you think. All that AND a $50.00 cash prize – don’t wait - write your essay today!